The best time to start doing something good is Now!

This is relevant for each of us

Foundation Activities

Every small contribution can make a difference that will have a larger than sum of the parts effect.

We are constantly identifying the target audiences to work with based on their needs. If you would like us to work in any of the identified focus areas of the Foundation, reach out to us at
We spend considerable time on planning the actions and then actioning the plan so that we are able to draw the maximum from the limited resources at our disposal.
While business measure the Return in Investment (ROI), we closely monitor the Social impact of our activities. Apart from the immediate relief, our focus is on the long term impact of our activities and its lasting impact on the community.

Our activities in the area of Financial Literacy are largely in the form of focus group workshops that we conduct education the audiences in areas of savings, investments, insurance, retirement planning, financial frauds, starting & running a business etc among others.

This includes creating awareness on the various government benefits and schemes and their suitability. We also do follow up sessions to measure the actual implementation of the advise and its impact on their financial lives.

The beauty of Indian Art and Culture lies in how relevant it is even today, thousands of years after they came into existence. Technology has changed our lives, but our traditions are very relevant even today to how we lives our lives. The regional indigenity of India is one of its greatest wealth.

We work to identify the various components of Indian Art, Culture and Traditions and how they can be a part of our daily routine today to improve the health of our body and mind.

While every one talks about the need to do something to protect our environment, very few actually work towards doing something. We have grown up as a generation oblivious of the amount of waste that is generated as a result of our daily activities. But then we hardly have thought hard enough about better alternatives.

Be it replacing disposables or adopting a tree, we work on identifying the various ways in which we can make those small small changes to our daily activites that make a measurable contribution to protecting the environment.